Meet Cal Murray, a UPS driver with 50 years of safe driving

Discover how UPS's commitment to safety training protects our drivers
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Add it up: UPS Driver Cal Murray is a man of many miles. In the half century the Houston native has been driving for UPS, he has covered an astonishing 4 million miles – enough to circle the globe 160 times over! Something even more extraordinary? His driving record. Cal has remained accident-free for 50 years

We asked Cal: What’s kept him safe all these years? He says the answer is simple. “The company’s commitment to safety training is what has kept me safe. UPS invests a lot of time and money to give us the tools we need to be successful – and it pays off,” he said. “We are the safest drivers on the road.”

Strength in safety: In 2023, we boosted our investment in safety training to more than $409 million to help prepare UPSers to work safely year-round. This represents a $66 million increase from our total investments in the previous year. 

Even for an experienced driver like Cal, though, challenges are part of the job. With more traffic and distracted drivers on the road, Cal credits his ability to navigate these concerns safely by relying on what he’s learned through his extensive UPS training.

“I drive one of the most dangerous stretches of highway in the U.S. and see accidents on a weekly basis,” said Cal. “Dealing with other drivers on the road can be a challenge. You have to drive not only for yourself but also for others.”


We celebrate safe driving – big time. In 2023, nearly 10,000 UPS drivers around the world have driven for the company for 25 years or longer without an accident, which is about 1.5 billion miles without so much as a fender-bender. You can tell who has earned the distinction by the UPS Circle of Honor patch they wear proudly on their sleeve.

Celebrating 50 years of safe driving with a newly minted Circle of Honor patch, Cal often shares the wisdom he’s gained over the years by mentoring younger generations of drivers. “I observe drivers daily and point out what they are doing right and where they can improve,” he said. “I want them to be as safe as possible and return home to their families.”

Want to learn more?  Hear from our people about their commitment to ensuring others’ safety, on and off the road:

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