UPS 宣佈自願退休計劃結果

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UPS (NYSE:UPS) announced today the results of its Voluntary Retirement Plan (VRP) introduced on 2018 年 4 月 25 日. 根據 VRP 計劃,一組符合退休條件的美國員工將獲得財務買斷,可以享受退休。

Participants in the plan will depart on a staggered schedule over the next twelve months to maintain business continuity.  The company does not expect significant savings in 2018 from the VRP, full savings from the program will be realized upon completion after the second quarter 2019.  UPS recorded a pre-tax transformation charge of $263 million in the second quarter, due primarily to VRP severance expense.  This initiative will reduce UPS headcount and lower ongoing staffing expense.  At full run rate, the initiative will generate annual savings of around $200 million. 

The VRP program is one of a number of initiatives under the company’s transformation strategy.  UPS is streamlining work processes through technology for greater staff efficiency as well as enhancing customer service and profitable growth opportunities with its strategies.  These initiatives will also create new opportunities for UPS employees and strengthen shareowner returns. 

Additionally, UPS will present details regarding the company’s multi-year plans at a Transformation Conference in New York on 2018 年 9 月 13 日.  Registration is open on the UPS Investor Relations website.  The event will be webcast live, and available for replay.

關於 UPS

UPS (NYSE: UPS) 是全球最大的包裹派送公司之一,2019 年收入超過 740 億美元,為超過 220 個國家和地區的客戶提供各種物流解決方案。公司超過 500,000 名員工採用了一種簡單清晰且具執行有力的策略:客戶至上。以人為本。創新驅動。UPS 致力於成為環境管理者,並積極為我們在世界各地服務的社區做貢獻。UPS堅定地支持多元化,公平和包容文化。詳細公司資訊請瀏覽,或於 查看更多資訊。

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