An act of service: Charles believes education is key to unlocking new opportunities. Determined to make a difference in his community, he secured a personal bank loan to build Heavenly Kids Technical College.
‘We offer carpentry, electrical installation, shoemaking, fashion design and catering programmes‘, said Charles. ‘When companies eventually start flowing into Enugu, my school will have the first edge to provide skilled workers.’
To support the school's needs, Charles selflessly downsized his life in Düsseldorf, Germany. He sends a portion of his salary back home to provide an income for staff members and resources for students.
‘I took it upon myself to make a change. And my contribution is using all the money I earn from UPS to build the school for my people’, added Charles. ‘The children smiling is the payback I want in my life. I want to see the children happy.’
Congratulations to Charles and all the Jim Casey Community Service Award finalists making a difference in their communities. These amazing UPSers lead with their head, heart and hands, inspiring all of us to be an important part of something bigger.
A long legacy of service: See how recent winners Greg Schneider and Harry Kpoh are making lasting contributions in communities near and far.