According to the CDC, nine people in the U.S. lose their lives every day in crashes that involve a distracted driver. That is one of the reasons why UPS spends hundreds of millions on safety training each year and has some of the safest drivers on the road.
And if you want to talk about safe driving, this team of Tonys has a lot to teach.
Meet Anthony ‘Tony’ Savini. He belongs to an elite group of UPS drivers and his local safety committee ... and he did not get there by chance.
As part of the UPS Circle of Honour, Tony Savini has logged more than 25 years without an accident. And believe it or not, he is not alone – there are over 10,000 Circle of Honour drivers with UPS today. That is a pretty big deal.
‘Any place you can think of, we deliver there’, Tony Savini said. ‘Every environment, every challenge, we are ready for it every day.’
The key to such longstanding success is not some secret superpower either. It is simply a repeated mantra of safety, where perfect practice leads to perfect performance and leaves no room for distracted driving.
UPS drivers are trained to repeat five safe driving methods every time they are behind the wheel:
- Aim high in steering: Find a safe path well ahead.
- Get the big picture: Stay back and see it all.
- Keep your eyes moving: Scan, don't stare.
- Leave yourself an out: Be prepared. Expect the unexpected
- Make sure they see you: Don't gamble. Use your horn, lights and signals.
Now meet Anthony 'Tony' Mosely: He quickly found a passion for safety, one that led him to join his local safety committee alongside Tony Savini.
‘The overall attitude at UPS is safety first. That’s how we approach every day’, Anthony Mosely said.
Both Tonys are proud to see that UPS’ commitment to safety has only grown the longer they have been with the company.
‘As the years have gone by, UPS keeps doubling down on our safety training, which I love to see’, Anthony Mosely said.
Take a look at how UPS drivers learn to avoid distractions and how to practice safe driving excellence. Cue the training montage!