All hands on deck

UPS driver believes in paying it forward with act of kindness
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This story comes from a grateful customer who asked not to be named.

Act of kindness: A 69-year-old Virginia resident was hoping to build a deck to enjoy in her retirement. But when estimates came back, it was clear she couldn’t afford one.

Enter Everett Eads, a UPS delivery driver with a 27-year safety record.

Everett heard the woman’s story while delivering to her home and said he’d be back to help.

She didn’t think he was serious.

But there Everett was – on a vacation day – along with his son. And in just five hours, the two built her deck for free.

“I’ve been blessed in my life with people who cared for me, so whenever I get the chance, I like to pay it forward,” Everett said.

Giving back: Once the deck work was finished, the homeowner gave Everett and his son a huge hug with tears of joy. “To see how much you can touch someone’s life by just giving a little of your time meant a lot to me and my son,” Everett said.

Like Everett, UPSers have volunteered more than 23 million hours since 2011, and The UPS Foundation has contributed $3 billion over the last 70 years supporting communities around the world.

Want to join a purpose-driven company?: We’re looking for the next great UPSers. Filling out an online application – and getting a job offer – can now be completed in just 25 minutes. And nearly 80% of positions don’t even require an interview.

UPS is proud to offer industry-leading compensation. The average pay for a UPS delivery driver is $95,000, in addition to another $50,000 in health, welfare and pension contributions.

Get started on your application here.

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