A part-time job with full-time benefits at UPS can be a perfect fit

Hear it directly from our people
Woman in an orange safety vest in a warehouse setting with shelving and machinery. Woman in an orange safety vest in a warehouse setting with shelving and machinery. Woman in an orange safety vest in a warehouse setting with shelving and machinery.

Our competitors would rather you not know about our healthcare coverage, retirement pensions, tuition assistance … the list goes on. But did you know that UPS part-timers enjoy industry-leading benefits?

For many, choosing to work part-time with UPS unlocks real advantages, like the chance to support a family and pursue their passions.

Let our people tell the story in their own words:

The healthcare difference:

“What really surprised me was that [UPS] pays 100% of my insurance premium. The insurance has saved me hundreds of thousands of dollars that otherwise we would have had to pay out of pocket.”

Jason, real estate agent and part-time UPS employee with full medical benefits for himself, his wife and three kids.

Side hustle friendly:

“If you want to bridge the gap to open your business and get help with insurance and benefits, come to UPS. The paycheck is nice, but the insurance and benefits are second to none.

Steve, co-founded 3 Punk Ales Brewing Company while working part-time.

“I love being in the army, I love teaching swimming, I love teaching my [ESL] students, and I love working at UPS. I don’t have a job or jobs. I have activities. I do a few things that I love doing.”

Roger, sergeant major in the U.S. Army, swimming instructor, ESL teacher and 25-year part-time UPS employee

Hit the books:

“I had just finished my football career. I needed money, I needed benefits, and UPS offered it. They also offered tuition reimbursement that I needed to finish my degree. At UPS, there are so many different options, and that’s what I love about it.”

Greg, former Canadian Football League player and part-time UPS employee

Promotion from within:

“With UPS, you can work your way up to any position. You just got to want it. UPS, I thank you and I’m forever grateful.”

Jeanette, houseless for three years until a part-time job at UPS changed everything.

You belong:

“As a woman, as a gay person, as an Asian, an inclusive environment is important to me. The medical benefits can’t be beat. UPS will even cover my domestic partner, which is huge because a lot of companies aren’t as inclusive as they claim to be.”

Sarah, chef and part-time UPS employee

Did you know?

  • Part-time UPS employees get the exact same healthcare benefits as full-time employees – with no premiums, no co-insurance and low co-pays. 
  • Part-time employees at UPS earn an average of $20 per hour after 30 days.
  • UPS is one of only a few companies that provides a pension to part-time workers.

Read our top 5 things you may not know about working part-time at UPS and learn more about the growing ranks of Americans choosing part-time work

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