UPS 幫助華雷斯城的企業在一天之內將貨物運送到美國

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Mexico City

  • UPS Worldwide Express Freight™ 服務保證次日送達美國各地。
  • This service will help companies deliver urgent palletized shipments and boost cross-border trade.

UPS (NYSE: UPS) announced the expansion of its UPS Worldwide Express Freight™ palletized service, which is now available in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. With this expansion, UPS will provide its customers with guaranteed delivery of palletized shipments in one day to the United States*, helping expedite cross-border deliveries and processes.

The UPS Worldwide Express Freight service offers the benefit of guaranteed, on-time door-to-door delivery by end of day, since shipments are transported through UPS’s air network. In addition, UPS Tracking provides insight about the shipments’ status all along its journey. Those efficiencies greatly benefit companies who export industrial components using different production chains.

Ronald Mayorga, president for UPS Mexico stated, “We are very proud to launch the UPS Worldwide Express Freight service in Ciudad Juarez due to its national relevance. We know that for all industries and businesses that operate in this region, such as manufacturing, automotive and aerospace, it’s imperative to rely on fast and efficient shipping services to the United States. That is why we strongly support the expansion of this service. We are sure that Worldwide Express Freight will be extremely beneficial to customers’ operations and the on-time delivery of urgent shipments.”

Some of the greatest advantages to UPS Worldwide Express Freight include the speed and reliability to transport heavy cargo, time-sensitive and high-value shipments. Companies that manufacture or sell components or parts for a large production chain will be able to save time and deliver shipments quickly and therefore mitigate inventory shortages, replace parts in case of equipment malfunctions and even ship emergency supplies if there is a delay in production.  

“Our goal is to not only deliver freight shipments to the United States, but to also provide our clients with UPS’s global network, that in conjunction with our small package, cargo and custom clearance portfolio, allow us to connect companies to buyers and sellers throughout the world,” added Mayorga.

This service complements the existing portfolio of domestic and international solutions that UPS Mexico already offers in Ciudad Juarez.

*The UPS Worldwide Express Freight guarantee is only applicable when used in conjunction with UPS customs brokerage services and when pick-up is requested before 10 a.m.

關於 UPS

UPS (NYSE: UPS) 是全球最大的包裹派送公司之一,2019 年收入超過 740 億美元,為超過 220 個國家和地區的客戶提供各種物流解決方案。公司超過 500,000 名員工採用了一種簡單清晰且具執行有力的策略:客戶至上。以人為本。創新驅動。UPS 致力於成為環境管理者,並積極為我們在世界各地服務的社區做貢獻。UPS堅定地支持多元化,公平和包容文化。詳細公司資訊可瀏覽,或到 查看更多資訊。

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