What is your why?

Three life lessons from Carol B. Tomé
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What is the story: Carol B. Tomé recently delivered commencement remarks at Berry College in north Georgia. In her address to graduates, the UPS CEO offered advice on finding your purpose and tapping into the power of why.

What is the takeaway:  Years ago, she looked at herself in the mirror and asked, 'Carol, what is your tombstone going to read?'

Her answer troubled her.

'I thought long and hard about it and realised it would read ‘she worked hard’ – I was horrified by that and thought, ‘Oh no, that cannot be my purpose – that cannot be my why.’'

Her personal purpose gradually evolved and then shortly after becoming UPS CEO, it crystallised for her: Lead to Inspire, Serve to Create, Give to Remain.

Here is how she framed the transformative moment to Berry students:

Lead to Inspire

'I am blessed to lead a company like UPS, but the truth is the past two years have been really hard for our team. UPSers are essential workers. During the pandemic, they did not work from home – they got up every day and sorted and delivered parcels with volumes that reached unprecedented levels. I believe I was called to lead this company to inspire our workers … to support them in their efforts … to celebrate them. I lead to inspire our people. They are why I get out of bed in the morning.'

Serve to Create

'I believe any good leader has a servant’s heart, always putting those around them first in everything they do. For me, serving to create is about investing in people so they can reach their highest potential – whatever that is.

I am so proud of people that I have invested in – people who worked for me who are now CFOs of publicly traded companies, people who worked for me who are now CEOs of publicly traded companies. Investing in someone’s development to help them reach their highest potential…putting them before yourself…is a joy.'

Give to Remain

'I hope you have seen Hamilton. It is a fantastic musical. At UPS, we recently had the privilege of hosting Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton. I got to interview him – it was really cool.

One of the lyrics he wrote that really resonates with me is: ‘When you are gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells your story?’

Think about Martha Berry (the Berry College founder). We are still telling her story. That is because she gave to others above all else. A spirit of giving transcends time, it transforms lives and it lights the way for the next generation.

I give of my time, I give of my money, I give to remain … so someone will tell my story. Who will tell your story?'

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