
We want to hear about the UPSers who have gone above and beyond
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What is new: There is a new and easy way to recognise UPSers – and we would love to hear from you.

What you can do: Tell us about a Super UPSer worthy of a shoutout.

Everyday heroes: UPSers may not leap tall buildings in a single bound, but they perform mighty feats daily while delivering what matters to you – our customers. Their stories are worth telling, and with your help we cannot wait to share them with the world.

Other ways you can #ThankAUPSHero:

  • Put out a yard or door sign with goodies for your driver
  • Shoutout on social media using #ThankAUPSHero
  • Give them a wave, an elbow bump or a heartfelt ‘thank you’

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