Electrifying our future

Technology finally catching up to UPS’ sustainable history
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What is new: Actually, nothing. UPS has been investing in, researching and driving electric vehicles (EVs) since the 1930s. 

Straight from the source: 'At UPS we are focused on continuing to test, validate, deploy and scale commercial electric vehicles throughout our global operations. We work alongside innovative companies to develop electric vehicle solutions that enhance our operations', said Luke Wake UPS vice president of fleet maintenance and engineering.

Did you know?

  • Our global fleet includes over 18,300 alternate fuel and advanced technology vehicles, including more than 1,000 electric and plugin hybrid electric vehicles on the road – an essential part of our plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 and achieve 40% alternative fuel in ground operations by 2025.
  • UPS continues to deploy EVs throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
  • EVs are just one part of our alternate fuel and advanced technology fleet plans to impact environmental sustainability.

The big picture: Electrifying is good for business, but you need to be thoughtful.

'We need the right vehicle to match the operational need first and foremost', Luke said. 'Then we consider where it makes good business sense to grow and scale the electric fleet. That is a recipe for adding EVs in the most beneficial way and reducing our impact on the environment.’

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