Emmanuel Wameni 在非洲喀麦隆长大。为了继续接受教育,他最终决定离开家人和朋友,远赴美国。
到达马里兰州的兰多弗后,他在第一份工作地点所在街道的对面看到了 UPS 标志性棕色送货车。这一偶然发现使他找到了自己热爱的职业。了解 Emmanuel 和 UPS 如何互相成就彼此:
Emmanuel Wameni 在非洲喀麦隆长大。为了继续接受教育,他最终决定离开家人和朋友,远赴美国。
到达马里兰州的兰多弗后,他在第一份工作地点所在街道的对面看到了 UPS 标志性棕色送货车。这一偶然发现使他找到了自己热爱的职业。了解 Emmanuel 和 UPS 如何互相成就彼此:
“我来美国是为了赚钱资助在非洲的家人,”Emmanuel 说。 “我在 UPS 工作收入不错,能够使自己有机会过上更好的生活。”
Emmanuel is grateful to UPS for giving him an opportunity to grow as well as help pay for his education. UPS’s part-time tuition reimbursement program Earn & Learn offers up to $25,000 for college tuition and expenses, and most part-time employees are eligible for this program from the day they are hired. UPS invested $30 million in education assistance programs in 2021 alone.