Emmanuel Wameni 在 UPS 的協助下完成了學業並能夠養家糊口

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Emmanuel Wameni 在非洲的喀麥隆長大。他懷著繼續求學的夢想,做出了離開家人和朋友來到美國的艱難決定。

到達馬里蘭州的 Landover 後,他發現 UPS 標誌性的棕色送貨卡車就停在他第一份工作的街對面。藉著這次偶然的機會,他發現了可以激發他熱情的職業。看看 Emmanuel 和 UPS 如何成為一對完美搭檔:


「我來到美國是為了養活我在非洲的家人」,Emmanuel 說「UPS 幫我賺了很多錢,讓我有機會過上更好的生活。」 

Emmanuel is grateful to UPS for giving him an opportunity to grow as well as help pay for his education. UPS’s part-time tuition reimbursement program Earn & Learn offers up to $25,000 for college tuition and expenses, and most part-time employees are eligible for this program from the day they are hired. UPS invested $30 million in education assistance programs in 2021 alone.


  • UPS 的管理階層有超過 18,000 名員工是從工會職位晉升到管理職位。
  • Part-time employees at UPS earn an average of $20 per hour after 30 days.


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