조지아주 애틀란타
The UPS (NYSE: UPS) Board of Directors today increased its regularly quarterly dividend by 5.5% to $0.96 per share on all outstanding Class A and Class B shares.
배당금은 2019년 2월 26일 기준 주주명부상의 주식 소유자들에게 2019년 3월 12일 지급됩니다.
UPS has a long commitment to cash dividends. For nearly 50 years, the company has either increased or maintained its dividend. Since 2000, UPS’s dividend has more than quadrupled.
UPS 소개
UPS는 세계 최대 규모의 특송 및 공급망 서비스의 글로벌 리더이며, 국제 무역을 촉진하고, 비즈니스를 효율적으로 운영하기 위해 다양한 최신 기술를 겸비한 선도적인 글로벌 교역 전문 기업이다. 애틀랜타에 본사를 둔 UPS는 전 세계 220개 이상의 국가 및 지역에 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. UPS was awarded America’s Best Customer Service company for Shipping and Delivery services by Newsweek magazine; Fortune magazine’s Most Valuable Brand in Transportation; and top rankings on the JUST 100 list for social responsibility, the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, and the Harris Poll Reputation Quotient, among other prestigious rankings and awards. The company can be found on the web at ups.com or pressroom.ups.com and its corporate blog can be found at longitudes.ups.com. The company’s sustainability eNewsletter, UPS Horizons, can be found at ups.com/sustainabilitynewsletter. To get UPS news direct, follow @UPS_News on Twitter.
Except for historical information contained herein, the statements made in this release constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of UPS and its management regarding the company's strategic direction, prospects and future results, involve certain risks and uncertainties. Certain factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, including economic and other conditions in the markets in which we operate, governmental regulations (including tax laws and regulations), our competitive environment, changes in the facts or assumptions underlying our health and pension benefit funding obligations, our ability to successfully negotiate and ratify labor contracts, strikes, work stoppages and slowdowns, changes in aviation and motor fuel prices, cyclical and seasonal fluctuations in our operating results, and other risks discussed in the company's Form 10-K and subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.