UPS completa 5 millones de entregas de comida a estudiantes de áreas rurales y sus familias afectados por la crisis del nuevo coronavirus

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Atlanta, Georgia

Debido a las limitaciones a los vuelos de la cadena de suministro de la empresa farmacéutica debido a la pandemia de coronavirus, Dr. Reddy se asoció con UPS Healthcare para transportar 30 toneladas de carga médica con temperatura controlada de India a EE. UU.

UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced a collaboration with Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories to get 30 tons of pharmaceuticals from India to the United States via Europe. The sensitive cargo had to be shipped within a controlled temperature range to ensure product stability. Given the supply chain challenges and restrictions due to the Coronavirus pandemic, UPS Healthcare and Dr. Reddy’s created an emergency supply chain plan to replenish pharmaceutical stocks in U.S. markets.

“During this pandemic, moving critical controlled room temperature medicines requires extra planning given the air market capacity demand levels,” said Wes Wheeler, president of UPS Healthcare. “We are providing compliant storage, transit and customs clearance expertise to help ensure products move quickly and retain their efficacy. This collaboration enabled Dr. Reddy’s to replenish its stocks in U.S. locations and provide essential medicines to meet demand.”

The time-critical flight originated in Hyderabad, India, moved through UPS’s European air hub in Cologne, Germany, and continued to the UPS Worldport® air hub in Louisville, Kentucky. UPS works closely with international customs and authorities and will continue to deliver essential medicines and goods to help support the battle against the global Coronavirus pandemic.

“Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories aims to ensure that essential medicines are within reach of patients by maintaining an uninterrupted supply globally. Our commitment to ensure accelerated access to affordable and innovative medicines to millions of patients around the world, holds significance more than ever in the present times,” said Puvvala Yugandhar, head of global supply chain, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories. “In this critical situation of the disruption caused by the Coronavirus, we connected with the UPS Healthcare team who helped ensure that critical medicines reach pharmacies and hospitals in the U.S. on time for patients.”

UPS is committed to being a part of the fabric of the global economy. The company transports more than three percent of global GDP and about six percent of U.S. GDP daily. UPS employees are proud to be of service to its customers, communities and economies in the 200+ countries where it operates, and will keep providing extensive support to healthcare organizations. This includes services ranging from supply chain management to shipping, storage and fulfillment of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and clinical trials specimens, and enhanced agility and flexibility to meet complex needs in the continuing battle against this pandemic. 

Acerca de UPS Healthcare

UPS Healthcare brinda soluciones de la cadena de suministro global y conocimientos especializados a empresas farmacéuticas, biofarmacéuticas y de dispositivos médicos. UPS Healthcare cuenta con aproximadamente 700 000 metros cuadrados de espacio para la distribución de productos sanitarios que cumplen con las BPF y las BPD actuales en todo el mundo. UPS Healthcare también mantiene una de las redes más extensas del mundo de ubicaciones de almacenamiento in situ con aproximadamente 900 centros. For parcels requiring strict temperature environments, from CRT to cryogenic, and those requiring around-the-clock monitoring, UPS Healthcare has solutions such as UPS Temperature True® and UPS Proactive Response® services. UPS Healthcare se compromete a ampliar sus capacidades, lo que incluye las adquisiciones de Marken, CEMELOG y Poltraf, para satisfacer las complejas y cambiantes necesidades de la cadena de suministro de los sectores sanitario y de las ciencias biológicas. Visit

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