Společnost The UPS Store dosáhla nejvyššího umístění v žebříčku Franchise 500

Číst tiskovou zprávu Číst tiskovou zprávu Číst tiskovou zprávu

San Diego, CA

The company ranks fourth among franchise brands measured for qualities such as system growth, support and brand strength

The UPS Store, Inc., the nation’s largest franchise system of retail shipping, postal, print and business service centers, is once again ranked among the top franchise brands according to Entrepreneur Magazine’s annual Franchise 500 list. The company is ranked fourth– but first in its category - for the second year in a row – its highest ranking in the 28 years of inclusion on the list.

Žebříček Entrepreneur Franchise 500 představuje exkluzivní výběr premiérových franšízových značek v 17 různých obchodních kategoriích. To be included in the list, franchise brands are evaluated on several factors, including size and growth of the system, support, brand strength, and financial strength and stability. The UPS Store has consistently appeared on the list by focusing on growing and evolving the brand to provide exceptional franchise opportunities to entrepreneurs.

“The UPS Store strives to be a trusted franchise partner and it’s an honor to be recognized among top franchise brands,” said Chris Adkins, vice president of franchise development for The UPS Store. “Our inclusion in this ranking is a reflection of our dedication to providing the best support and opportunities for our franchisees.”

The UPS Store recently widened its offering of franchise opportunities, to include a store-in-store model, featuring small-footprint stores inside existing high-traffic retailers, such as pharmacies, hardware and grocery stores. Other non-traditional locations, such as university and hotel centers, allow franchisees flexibility to serve the community as well as specialized groups, such as students and hotel guests.

O společnosti The UPS Store

With 5,000* locations in North America, The UPS Store network comprises the nation’s largest franchise system of conveniently located retail shipping, postal, print and business service centers. Provozovny The UPS Store® v USA jsou nezávisle vlastněny a provozovány licencovanými franšízanty společnosti The UPS Store, Inc., dceřiné společnosti UPS (NYSE: UPS). Služby, ceny a provozní doba se mohou v jednotlivých lokalitách lišit. Další informace o společnosti The UPS Store naleznete na adrese theupsstore.com. For information on The UPS Store franchise opportunities for opening a The UPS Store location, visit www.theupsstorefranchise.com. Follow The UPS Store on Twitter at @TheUPSStore and like The UPS Store on Facebook at facebook.com/theupsstore

* includes locations in the U.S. and Canada

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