The UPS Foundation helps Wellspring Living transform the lives of human trafficking survivors with $1M grant

Welcome Home campaign expands healing care programmes for those in need
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The UPS Foundation pledged $1 million to support Wellspring Living’s Welcome Home campaign. The programme builds comprehensive solutions for human trafficking survivors through therapy, housing and educational resources.

Why it matters: The grant will help Wellspring Living scale the successful healing care model it has created in Atlanta to other cities and organisations, starting with training and mentorship programmes.

‘We see our investment in the Wellspring Living Institute as a crucial extension of UPS’ global efforts to fight the spread of human trafficking both in our hometown of Atlanta and beyond’, said Nikki Clifton, president of social impact and The UPS Foundation.  

How UPS employees can get involved: Donate to UPS’ anti-human trafficking impact fund via UPS Community Connections and The UPS Foundation will match your donation. To date, we have raised more than $8 million to combat human trafficking. Our dollars fuel community impact programmes and train service providers to support survivors.

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Dive deeper into how UPS is driving the fight against human trafficking.

‘The UPS Foundation’s generosity has changed the lives of more than 2,000 women and childrenpositively affecting the future for generations to come’, said Mary Frances Bowley, Wellspring Living executive director.

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