Unique and unstoppable

UPS spotlights small businesses in Germany
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What’s new: UPS rolled out a Be Unstoppable Driving Gallery, featuring artwork that highlights local small businesses. The unique designs are wrapped on dozens of UPS delivery trucks throughout Germany.

Meet a few of the small businesses and artists: Each artist depicted a German small business in their own personal style. Take a look at the amazing results here: www.ups.com/DrivingGallery

Weinladen.de (art by Josephine Sagna)

Wine industry expert Stephanie Döring founded her Hamburg-based wine shop under the motto “wine without a dress code.” Today, her team manages an inventory of 400 wines, which they sell in their own online shop.

“When I was presented with the young and innovative company Weinladen.de, I immediately had images in my head. (…) One of the things I care about is celebrating BPoC (Black and People of Color) women with all their facets – and to give them a space.” – Josephine Sagna, artist

Scooter-Attack (art by Ron Miller)

Kleinblittersdorf-based Scooter-Attack sells spare parts and accessories to scooter and moped drivers around the world. 

“We asked ourselves, what will the world of two-wheelers look like in the future? … And will you still be able to enjoy the feeling of freedom and to cruise relaxed through the urban jungle? We say yes.” – Ron Miller, artists

Ecoterra (art by Anna van den Hövel)

Eco Terra was founded in Eppstein with a goal of making conscious eating worthwhile for consumers. Today they are the German market leader in unpackaged food.

“My works are created through an unconventional mixture of materials that literally break up the paintings. Eco Terra also uses such a breaking up – different than I do, but with the same goal: for all the world to enjoy.” – Anna van den Hövel, artist

Watch the video to see how UPS is promoting all 10 small businesses across Germany.

Why it matters: UPS is committed to supporting the health and growth of small businesses around the world. Our network and industry expertise can help level the playing field so small businesses can do more.

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