UPS Enhances Asia Trade Connectivity As Region Looks Toward Growth VN

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UPS UPS(NYSE:UPS ) 的一系列服務提升,今天在亞太地區的 41 個國家和地區中,影響了將近 140 萬個郵遞區號,為超過 2,200 萬家企業提供全球連結。

UPS 亞太地區總裁 Ross McCullough 表示:「在我們的智慧物流網投資的根源,是讓亞洲企業更輕鬆進行全球商務的簡單願望,因為當亞洲企業成長時,我們也會成長。」「該地區的更多 UPS 客戶將能夠在更短的時間內收到寄件;他們可以在更多的城市和城鎮中輕鬆找到我們,並且他們可以比以前更晚地寄送寄件,所有這些都將為該地區的企業開啟新的機會,以便與世界其他地區更有效地交易。」

A key local enhancement is the extension of the UPS Worldwide Express Freight service, a guaranteed door-to-door service for palletized shipments over 70kg, to more provinces in Vietnam. Industrial and automotive manufacturers and high-tech companies across 24 provinces in North and South of Vietnam can plug into one of the world’s largest air networks with customs clearance capabilities that include over 80 years of experience for UPS’s fastest palletized scheduled day-definite, door-to-door delivery to 67 destination countries

In the first half of 2019, UPS also completed the following as part of its strategy to bolster economic development in the region, which is projected to account for 63 percent of global GDP growth in 20191:

  • 深圳亞太航空轉運中心升級將轉運中心的處理能力增加近 50%,為未來三年的貨運量增加做好準備。
  • 橫跨 2,300 條貿易路線的託運所需時間縮短: 洲際託運所需時間最多可縮短 4 天,亞洲目的地的寄件則最多可縮短 2 天。Vietnamese high-tech businesses benefit from faster connectivity to customers in South Korea.
  • Improved the geographic reach of UPS Worldwide Express® services, offering international shipping with time-definite deliveries in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea
  • 從中國、日本、台灣和南韓出口寄件的取件時間延長最多 5 小時,擴大了生產窗口,並給企業更多時間來履行客戶訂單。
  • Strengthened supply chain flexibility with Saturday pick-up services in the U.S. enabling import shipments destined for eight markets in Asia – including Vietnam – to be delivered 1 day earlier than before. 

“As a global logistics provider and advocate for free and open trade, UPS will continue utilizing our capabilities to support Vietnamese SMEs in growing their businesses. With the official signing of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Vietnam, new horizons have opened up,” said Russell Reed, Managing Director of UPS Vietnam. “The expansion of UPS services across the provinces of Vietnam, enhanced cut-off times and increased connectivity will strengthen the competitiveness of Vietnamese enterprises operating in this new dynamic business environment.”

UPS 自 1988 年以來在亞太地區營運,在過去 30 年間已成長為該地區的 41 個國家和地區提供服務。In 2018, UPS launched UPS My Choice service offering users enhanced visibility in 96 new countries and territories, including Vietnam. This package-delivery management service has the ability to help Vietnamese consumers and small businesses to track and reschedule their packages – just in time for the peak holiday shipping season. 

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關於 UPS

UPS (NYSE: UPS) 為全球物流領導企業,提供廣泛的解決方案,業務範圍涵括國際快遞及海空運貨物運輸,透過國際貿易便利化、先進科技的佈署,藉此更有效率的管理全球商務。UPS 總部設在美國亞特蘭大市,服務範圍遍及全球 220 多國家和地區。公司可以在 上找到,其公司部落格可以在 上找到。若要直接取得 UPS 最新消息,請在 Twitter 上追蹤 @UPS_Asia、在微信上追蹤 UPS 中国动态,並在西納微博追蹤 UPS 中国。

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