UPS support of non-profit organization Wreaths Across America will bring the Contract Leasing Corp. Honor Trailer to Arlington Cemetery and other wreath-laying events
As part of its ongoing recognition and support of veterans, UPS (NYSE:UPS) has announced it will be joining with non-profit organization Wreaths Across America to support the week-long journey culminating in a wreath-laying event at Arlington National Cemetery on December 14th.
The annual event includes a convoy of vehicles forming the world’s longest veterans’ parade, stretching more than 2.5 miles. This year, the Wreaths Across America convoy will be delivering 50,000 of the quarter of a million wreaths that will be placed at Arlington National Cemetery on Wreaths Across America Day, with public events at schools and veterans’ locations along the way in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Washington D.C.
The Wreaths Across America Honor Trailer created by Contract Leasing Corp. will be filled with wreaths and pulled by a vehicle and driver provided by UPS®, this year’s trailer sponsor. UPS volunteers will also participate at National Wreaths Across America events in multiple locations, helping to support the non-profit organization’s mission of Remember, Honor, Teach. Volunteers will lay wreaths at the graves of veterans and then speak the name of the veteran out loud to ensure that the legacy of duty, service and sacrifice of that veteran is never forgotten.
“Veterans bring an incredible wealth of experience and commitment to working together to achieve objectives,” said Lloyd Knight, Senior Director at UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Chairman of the UPS Veterans Steering Council, President of VETLANTA and Air Force veteran. “These qualities are critically important to our company, and to our communities. Honoring those who have served, and helping to provide a pathway for their continued journey, are among the ways we can express our gratitude for their service.”
Knight founded the first UPS Veterans Business Resource Group chapter eight years ago; today there are 23 chapters available to UPS employees.
Year-Round Support for Veterans
As a service-focused organization, UPS is a logical choice for veterans seeking employment following military service. UPS completed its mission to hire more than 50,000 veterans by the end of 2018 two years early. UPS also participates in Air Force and Army mentorship programs that provide active-duty officers on-the-job training, experience and exposure with private-sector companies.
UPS’s support of veterans is part of the company’s long-standing commitment to those who serve.
- UPS employees and retirees, along with their families and friends, have provided more than 299,000 volunteer hours for veteran-connected activities since 2015.
- The UPS Foundation has invested over $7.1 million dollars to support veterans initiatives since 1988.
- Among the initiatives supported, The UPS Foundation has provided more than $2.7 million to the Paralyzed Veterans of America National Wheelchair games. UPS volunteers also provide support and logistics transport for the events.
- The Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) awarded UPS the 2018 “Sustain: ABLE Award” for leadership and support of the PVA mission, programs and services. UPS and PVA
- On November 9th, UPS volunteers and three UPS® vehicles were part of the Veterans’ Day Parade in Atlanta, as part of the company’s annual participation.
- On November 5th, the UPS Veterans Business Resource Group hosted its first “Vet Talkx” in collaboration with the Veterans Affairs Office. Veterans from UPS and other organizations gathered at UPS’s global headquarters to share insights and inspiration during this live-audience event, which was shared via live broadcast.
- The UPS Store, Inc. is a participant in the International Franchise Association’s VetFran Program, which provides franchise fee discounts for qualified veterans.
- Veterans are also suppliers to UPS and an important part of UPS’s formal Supplier Diversity Program launched in 1992.
For some veterans at UPS, continued service has included starting non-profit organizations to support other veterans.
- Lloyd Knight founded VETLANTA, an organization focused on engaging local corporations and aligning Atlanta’s network of veteran support providers.
- Greg Schneider, UPS driver, founded Operation Ramp It Up, which provides home access ramps for military veterans.
The Wreaths Across America journey began in Harrington, Maine, where in 1992, wreath maker Morrill Worcester filled a single truck with 5,000 wreaths and headed to Arlington National Cemetery to offer his appreciation. The event grew into National Wreaths Across America Day, with ceremonies at 2,000 participating locations in all 50 states across the U.S. and overseas. In 2012, Wreaths Across America placed the millionth wreath at Arlington National Cemetery.
UPS について
UPS (NYSE: UPS) は貨物輸送における世界的なリーダーであり、荷物や貨物の輸送を含む幅広いソリューションを提供し、国際貿易を促進し、そして高度技術を採用することでビジネス界を効率的に管理しています。本社所在地は米国アトランタです。UPSは、Newsweek誌の出荷および配送サービスの全米最高カスタマーサービス賞、Forbesの輸送業界最高価値ブランドを受賞し、社会的責任についてJUST 100リストで1位となり、Dow Jones世界持続可能性指数やHarris PollのReputation Quotient、その他の権威あるランキングや賞の対象となっています。The company can be found on the web at ups.com or pressroom.ups.com and its corporate blog can be found at ups.com/longitudes The company’s sustainability eNewsletter, UPS Horizons, can be found at ups.com/sustainabilitynewsletter. UPSのニュースを直接ご覧いただくには、Twitterにて@UPS_Newsをフォローしてください。UPSで出荷するには、ups.com/shipをご覧ください。
The UPS Foundation(UPS基金)について
1907年の創立以来、UPSは、思いやりを持った責任ある企業市民として、地域のニーズに沿った長期的なプログラムに支援を行ってきました。1951年に設立されたUPS基金は、UPS社員の積極的な地域・全国・グローバルレベルでのコミュニティ参加を推進する役割を担っています。2018年のUPSおよびその社員(現役・OB含む)による寄付総額は、世界中で1億1490万米ドルを上回りました。UPS Foundationについては、ウェブではUPS.com/Foundation、Twitterでは@UPS_Foundationをご覧ください。