Kuala Lumpur
UPS(NYSE:UPS)今天宣布,公司将在每年 6 月配合通过 carbon neutral 计划运送的所有包裹的碳补偿,以此纪念 6 月 5 日的世界环保日。UPS carbon neutral 通过购买经认证的碳补偿来抵消每次装运的预估碳影响。
“要纪念世界环保日,没有比想办法推动对地球有帮助的行动来得更好,”UPS 首席可持续发展官兼环境事务副总裁 Suzanne Lindsay-Walker 表示,“UPS 希望提升人们对我们的 carbon neutral 运输选项的认知,以便让更多的客户能够利用它,从而有助于为大规模的碳减排计划提供资金,并减少运输对环境的总碳影响。”
To participate, shippers pay a fee as little as the local currency equivalent of USD 0.75 per package, then UPS will match these offsets throughout June. 这实际上使运送业者的影响加倍,进而使运送业者有可能在 6 月消除“负碳排放”。The optional service is available on shipments using UPS Express Plus, Express, Express Saver, Expedited, and Worldwide Express Freight services.
UPS 于 2010 年启动了 carbon neutral 计划,每年为客户抵消超过 6,000 万个包裹,相当于每年抵消 100,000 吨以上的碳补偿。UPS 曾经支持过诸多项目,其中包括重新造林、垃圾掩埋沼气破坏、废水处理等。UPS carbon neutral 选项经过检验、测试和验证公司 Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) 的认证。此外,UPS 的碳补偿流程遵循来自 Natural Capital Partners 的 CarbonNeutral Protocol。
UPS’s carbon neutral offering is just one way the company is helping shippers in Malaysia reduce their impact on the environment, yet it reflects a key focus across the market as it aligns with the Malaysian government’s ongoing commitment under the Paris Agreement to reduce the country’s carbon emissions by 45% by 2030, based on 2005 levels. This commitment is further underscored by the government’s creation of the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre, which was set up to provide a central touchpoint for supporting the transition to a more low-carbon economy through areas such as green financing, advisory, and training for sustainability.
“Malaysia is continually working towards achieving their truly commendable carbon emission targets, and we’re proud to be collaborating hand-in-hand with local businesses to help them contribute to meeting these reductions,” said Lim Tze Hsien, Managing Director, UPS Malaysia and Singapore.
“Combatting climate change requires a concerted effort from us all, which is why, during the month of June, UPS is going to match the offsets of every package shipped with our carbon neutral program.”
此外,客户还受益于 UPS 在其运营中所做的减碳努力。在过去的十年间,UPS 已在替代燃料和先进技术车辆以及支持基础设施方面投资超过 10 亿美元。本公司现在是交通运输业中可再生天然气的最大用户,在全球拥有超过 10,300 辆专用替代燃料和先进技术的车辆。此外,UPS 近期宣布,到 2022 年预计采购超过 6,000 辆天然气动力卡车。而且,在一月份,UPS 宣布对总部位于英国的科技新创公司 Arrival 进行投资,并承诺购买其 10,000 辆电动车。UPS 是其客户供应链的重要部分,并将持续提供影响其价值链的可持续解决方案。
UPS 将在 6 月自动匹配所有抵消。To start shipping more sustainably today, please visit your local ups.com website. 如要了解更多有关 UPS 正进行的可持续发展计划的信息,请访问 www.ups.com/sustainability,并持续关注公司即将在 2020 年 6 月 30 日发布的第 18 届年度可持续发展报告。
About UPSUPS (NYSE: UPS) is a global leader in logistics, offering a broad range of solutions including transporting packages and freight; facilitating international trade, and deploying advanced technology to more efficiently manage the world of business. UPS is committed to operating more sustainably – for customers, the environment and the communities we serve around the world. Headquartered in Atlanta, UPS serves more than 220 countries and territories worldwide. UPS was awarded America’s Best Customer Service company for Shipping and Delivery services by Newsweek magazine; Forbes Most Valuable Brand in Transportation; and top rankings on the JUST 100 list for social responsibility, the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, and the Harris Poll Reputation Quotient, among other prestigious rankings and awards. The company can be found on the web at ups.com or pressroom.ups.com and its corporate blog can be found at ups.com/longitudes. The company’s sustainability eNewsletter, UPS Horizons, can be found at ups.com/sustainabilitynewsletter. Learn more about our sustainability efforts at ups.com/sustainability. To get UPS news direct, follow @UPS_News on Twitter. To ship with UPS, visit ups.com/ship.