So, what exactly does a smart logistics network look like?

Get a glimpse from a UPS technology guru
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Global logistics isn’t possible without a really smart, tech-enabled network. And there’s no chance that millions of packages would make it to their destination around the world every day without sophisticated technologies empowering UPSers.

Enter Dawn Faison, advanced systems manager in the advanced technology group (ATG). Dawn is an engineer at heart and spent 17 years with the buildings and systems engineering function before joining the ATG. She now designs sortation systems for UPS buildings to find new ways to meet capacity needs.

The ATG is a unique and diverse team of UPSers who work together to find technology solutions to tap into the smart logistics network.

“We’re the disruptors,” Dawn said. “The risk takers who challenge the way we’ve always done something.”

Working in unison

UPS smart technologies are working together to drive all parts of the business, including facilities, operations, driver routes and management decisions.

“The goal of the smart logistics network is for all UPS systems to converge to help us do what we do every day,” Dawn said. “It’s the heartbeat, where all systems flow into one place that keeps the network alive and healthy, able to adapt to any condition that may arise. We have so many data streams, each necessary for a specific function, but all combine to allow UPS to become even more agile in our processes for the good of the business.”

The smart logistics network is on full display in an automated facility. The cameras and scanners are constantly feeding data to the cloud – an approach Dawn describes as “feeding the data beast.”

Another example is UPS’s vaccine tracking technology that’s been integral to delivering what matters during the pandemic. The GPS-enabled device transmits data about factors that could delay or damage sensitive healthcare shipments – location, temperature, motion and shock, light exposure (an open box), atmospheric pressure and remaining battery life for the device.

A seat at the table

Dawn describes the ATG as a non-traditional group that’s filled with diversity. She’s thankful to be part of a team that’s open and supportive of her ideas and expertise.

“I always wanted to do my best for whatever project was assigned to me to earn my seat at the table. It shouldn’t matter if I am D-A-W-N or D-O-N, the work would speak for itself,” Dawn said. “Don’t be intimidated. If you love something, make sure to take your rightful seat at the table.”

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